Advanced eye surgery treatments

Friendly specialist expertise at your fingertips

If you’re suffering from a sight threatening condition or considering an elective eye surgery, Dr Gupta can help. Firmly committed to advancing the practice of ophthalmology and delivering quality outcomes to all his patients, Dr Gupta is an experienced doctor across the following ophthalmic subspecialties.


Why wait until you’re too old to enjoy the benefits of good vision?

Your cataracts can be surgically removed in under 20 minutes (in most cases) giving you better quality of life.

Laser & Refractive

Dream of waking up with great vision? Visual freedom is possible. (And affordable.)

Most patients say they wish they’d done it sooner. So why put it off?

Corneal & Keratoconus

Degenerative disorders and corneal damage can be distressing and threaten your vision.

Dr Gupta is a recognised expert in this field. He can help.


You don’t have to live with a pterygium. It’s easily removed by an experienced eye surgeon.

Surgical removal will have your eye looking and feeling as good as new.

Cost of eye surgery

Dr Gupta understands that for many people, the cost of eye surgery can be daunting. For cataract and some corneal surgeries, there are small out of pocket costs to patients with private health cover, and cost-effective options for self-funded patients without health insurance.

Do I need a referral to see Dr Gupta?

For any Medicare rebatable service, you will require a referral from your GP, optometrist or other referring specialist.

Have a question or ready to book a consultation? Get in touch